
Finding the Allergies screen

Understanding the Allergies screen

Here we list all allergies that have been added to your record. The allergies most recently recorded will be listed first.

Click on an allergy to show additional information, such as all dates that the allergy was noted on and any recorded severities and reactions.

How do I add an allergy?

Click 'Add allergy.'

When in the form, complete all of the fields;

  • Onset of symptoms: this is the date you first noticed a reaction

  • Allergic to: this is where you add the item you are allergic to

  • Reaction: this is where you add the symptoms your body has during the reaction. You can either enter the reaction as free text or you can click 'Select' which will allow you to select from a predefined list of common reactions.

  • Severity: this is where you add the severity of your allergic reaction. You can either enter the severity as free text or you can click 'Select' which will allow you to select from a predefined list.

How do I make changes to allergies?

Click 'Edit' or 'Delete' beside the allergy. You can only edit or delete allergies that you have entered yourself. If you have not entered the allergy but need it to be changed, please see our Reporting incorrect data page.

How do I change the privacy of my allergies?

Click on the pencil icon beside the privacy label of the allergy. Please note: Changing the privacy may result in some professionals and carers no longer being able to view the allergy.

See Privacy labels for more details on managing who can access your record.

How do I discuss an allergy?

Select one or more allergies and click 'Discuss selections'.