Updating your profile & settings

This is where we store things about you like your name, address, and contact numbers. 

How do I update my profile settings?

Click on 'Profile', in the top-right corner of the screen.

Why can I not update some items

It is important that certain key pieces of information match exactly what is stored on the systems that are sending us your medical information as this is how we ensure the information goes to the right record. These include your DOB, ethnicity and gender.

For the time being the only way to correct these is to contact your clinical team who will fix this on their systems and send us the update.

How can I change the email associated with my account?

On 'Profile' click the 'Add email' button. Once you have added a new email address, a confirmation email will be sent to you. You need to click on the link in the email and log in for the email to be added.

One email must be selected as your main address. This is where all your email notifications will be sent to (such as when someone updates a part of your record). However, any confirmed email address on your profile can be used to log in. 

Please note, PKB will send notifications to both the new and old addresses for security purposes.

How do I delete an email address?

In ‘Profile’ click the 'Delete' button next to the email address you wish to remove. You must have one email address remaining. The Delete option is only available for email addresses that are not the main address, so you can select another address as the main and then delete.

How do I change my address?

On the 'Profile' page, scroll down to the Address section and change any relevant fields. Please note that we provide 2 'Address' fields,  only one needs to be complete. All other fields in this section are mandatory.