
Finding the Journal page

Understanding the Journal screen

Here you can note how you feel on certain days. It is also possible to start a discussion about the entries that are in your journal.

How do I add a journal entry in my record?

Click 'Add Entry' and complete the form.

How do I edit a journal entry?

Click on the ellipsis icon beside the journal entry you wish to edit and click ‘Edit.’

How do I delete a journal entry?

Click on the ellipsis icon beside the journal entry you wish to delete and click ‘Delete.’

How do I change the privacy of a journal entry?

Click on the ellipsis icon beside the journal entry you wish to edit the privacy label of and click ‘Edit privacy.’

. Note: changing the privacy may result in some professionals and carers no longer being able to view the journal entry.

See Privacy labels for more details on what privacy labels are.

How do I discuss a journal entry?

Click on the ellipsis icon beside the journal entry you wish to send for discussion and click ‘Discuss.’

How do find out more information on where and when a journal entry came from?

Click on the name of the author of the entry and the source details will open for you.

Each entry will have a source icon beside it to represent the type of user that has added a data point to a record with new ‘source icons’. This is so people viewing the page can scan data source types at a glance. There are three types of icon:

  • Data from verified organisations & users are represented by a medical institution icon (building with a cross)

  • Data from patients, carers or professionals outside of PKB verified institutions are represented by a person icon

  • Data from device are represented by a watch icon